Coming Law Changes to Control Petrol Prices


Amend: change a contract or law

Investigate: to examine the detail of something in order to find out the truth

Police: a verb, meaning to control and watch over something

Commission: a part of the government that is independent from the government in conducting investigations and making judgements

Attribute to: to say that something causes another thing

Blame: to say that something causes a bad thing


The government plans to amend the law so that fuel prices can be investigated. The Commerce Commission is part of the government that polices the behaviour of businesses. After the proposed law changes, they will be able to investigate fuel companies.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said petrol had gone up 39 cents in the last year, and most of this price increase was not because of taxes.
She said that the prices before tax are the highest in the OECD and there is no good reason why this should be so.
About half of our petrol costs can be attributed to taxes, and many people have been blaming government taxation for the price increases, so it is important for the government to be able to find a way to control petrol prices.
The government will be making the changes in the next two weeks.

3 thoughts on “Coming Law Changes to Control Petrol Prices”

  1. Thank you so much for your contribution.
    When can we have next issue on ESL News? It seems you are still on a school term break now.

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