Population Statistics

New Zealand’s population is now 4,796, 237 people, or least that was the figure given by Stats New Zealand at 10 o’clock tonight. One person is born (on average) every 6minutes and 39 seconds, and one dies every 16 minutes and 57 seconds. One new migrant is added to the population every 10 minutes and 23 seconds.

The latest figures given for life expectancy in New Zealand are 79.7 years for men and 83.4 for women. Life expectancy means the number of years a baby born today could expect to live, on average.

The number of migrants who arrived in the year ending May 2017 was 73,000. 44,500 had work visas, 23,700 had student visas and 16,700 had residence visas. 12% of these migrants came from China, 10% from the UK and 10% from Australia.

However, the number of visitors here for the same period was 3.6 million. 40% were from Australia, 11% from China. They came for a holiday or to visit family and friends.

Listen again without looking at the text and see if you can write down all those figures accurately.

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