If you want to develop your listening skills, try these tasks as you listen to the text. The answers are at the bottom of this page, after the Vocabulary. Thanks to Natasha Groves for preparing the tasks.
If you want to listen and read, just scroll down to the text.
1. Listening for main ideas
First, just listen to the text, taking notes if you wish. What information can you catch during this first listening?
2. Listen again to the first part of the text. Circle the correct word in the following sentences.
- The proposal to open a McDonald’s in Wānaka has been accepted / rejected.
- McDonald’s wanted to open a restaurant with seating for 455 / 75 / 24 people.
- They changed their proposal to 6am to 11pm due to concerns about light / noise pollution.
- A huge / small majority of submissions opposed the proposal.
3. Now listen to the rest of the text and answer the following questions.
- What three arguments were made which opposed the proposal?
- What argument was made in support of the proposal?
- What was the main reason why McDonald’s application was declined?
- Have McDonald’s accepted the decision?
4. Language focus: prepositions
What preposition follows these words in the text? Fill in the gaps then listen again to check your answers.
- the proposal ____ open a McDonald’s restaurant
- McDonald’s wanted to open a 455 square metre restaurant ____ seating ____ 75 people
- It was to be ____ the road ____ Wānaka ____ Luggate, ____ Mt Iron
- but _____ some concerns _____ light pollution
- Many submissions were concerned _____ the environmental impacts _____ the restaurant _____ the town.
- The restaurant site was _____ the main town centre, _____ a rural area
- the commissioners said it would not fit _____ the character typically associated _____ rural living
5. Do you think McDonald’s should be allowed to open a restaurant in Wānaka? Why / Why not? Tell us your opinion in the comments below.
The proposal to open a McDonald’s restaurant in Wānaka has been rejected, after consideration by independent commissioners.
McDonald’s wanted to open a 455 square metre restaurant with seating for 75 people, 24 car parks, and a drive-thru. It was to be on the road to Wānaka from Luggate, below Mt Iron. The company initially wanted to have it open 24/7 (that is, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week), but after some concerns about light pollution, changed their proposal to 6am to 11pm.
Queenstown Lakes District Council opened the proposal up for public submissions, and of the 366 submissions made, 339 were opposed, while 21 supported it and six sought changes to the plan.
Many submissions were concerned about the environmental impacts of the restaurant on the town. For example, they were worried about litter, particularly because a community campaign in Wānaka aims to use only recyclable or reusable cups, whereas most of McDonald’s packaging is not recyclable. Others were against the proposal because they thought a McDonald’s would not suit the natural landscape or would change the image of the town. In addition, some did not think McDonald’s food is healthy and so did not want it available in Wānaka. However, a few said that people should have a choice, and that there were already other fast food options in the town, including Domino’s and Subway.
In the end, the main reason that the commissioners declined McDonald’s application was because of the location. The restaurant site was outside the main town centre, in a rural area, and so the commissioners said it would not fit with the character typically associated with rural living. They said the proposed restaurant would be inconsistent with the landscape.
McDonald’s New Zealand say they will consider their next steps, which may include appealing the decision. They say they still intend to open a restaurant in Wānaka.
litter – rubbish that people throw away and leave on the ground in a public place
campaign – a series of activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim
packaging – materials used to wrap or protect goods
landscape – an area of countryside or land, used especially when talking about its appearance
rural – relating to the countryside (not the city)
2. Listen again to the first part of the text. Circle the correct word in the following sentences.
- The proposal to open a McDonald’s in Wānaka has been accepted / rejected.
- McDonald’s wanted to open a restaurant with seating for 455 / 75 / 24 people.
- They changed their proposal to 6am to 11pm due to concerns about light / noise pollution.
- A huge / small majority of submissions opposed the proposal.
3. Now listen to the rest of the text and answer the following questions.
a. What three arguments were made which opposed the proposal?
Litter in the town (most of McDonald’s packaging is not recyclable).
McDonald’s would not suit the natural landscape or would change the image of the town.
McDonald’s food is unhealthy.
b. What argument was made in support of the proposal?
People should have a choice.
c. What was the main reason why McDonald’s application was declined?
The proposed location. The restaurant site was outside the main town centre, in a rural area, and so the commissioners said it would not fit with the character associated with rural living. They said it would be inconsistent with the landscape.
d. Have McDonald’s accepted the decision?
No. They are considering their next steps. They may appeal the decision. They still intend to open a restaurant in Wānaka.