The Internet Party

The news from Kim Dotcom is about his new political party called the Internet Party. He planned to hold a Party Party on Monday evening, partly to celebrate his 40th birthday. The idea was a free party to announce the Internet Party. However, he had to cancel the Party Party because it could look like bribery. The electoral law says that you cannot give ‘treats’ to people to encourage them to vote.

Kim Dotcom cannot stand for election himself because he is not a New Zealand citizen although he is a Permanent Resident. However, he has found some well-known names to stand for election. We will have to wait for more news about this.

He said that about 800,000 New Zealanders do not vote because they are not interested. Politics is boring for them. Parliament does not interest young people. The Internet Party would interest young people who use modern technology.

Listen to September 27th 2012 to hear more about Kim Dotcom.


  • bribery – giving money or something good if you vote for this person
  • electoral law – law about elections
  • treats – something nice e.g. sweets
  • stand for election – to become an MP