New Zealand’s Border Regulations Updated

From August 1st, New Zealand borders will be open to everybody who has the right visa.

New Zealand borders have been closed to avoid increasing COVID in our country. Gradually, the border has opened to a limited number of people. New Zealanders wanting to return home from overseas were the first, but they had to stay in special quarantine hotels to make sure they did not bring COVID with them. Meanwhile, international students could not come here and nor could families of some international workers. From August, they will be able to come if they have the necessary visa.

New arrivals must also show they have been vaccinated against COVID. At this stage, they will need to take a test after they arrive also, but these regulations are constantly in flux.

People from the Pacific Islands will now be able to come here. Many Pacific Islanders live in New Zealand and they have family members who want to join them. Some workers from other countries have come here without their families. These families may be able to come here also.

International students will also be welcome. English Language Schools which have had to close over the last few years, will now be able to open. University students from other countries will now be able to come here. Some international students enrolled in Masters or other higher educational  programmes have had to study online and they can now plan to continue their study in New Zealand.

Tourists will also be welcome too. This will be good news for hotels and towns which have welcomed tourists in the past. Young people on working holiday visas often work in these hotels so we can expect to see more young people from overseas here for a short time.


quarantine – isolation until free from disease or illness

in flux – in the process of changing


… will be able to … / will need to

Make a sentence using this construction e.g. When I’m 21, I’ll be able to / I’ll need to … When I was 21, I was able to / I needed to … When I arrived in New Zealand, … When I pass my exams, … When I pay …

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