A telescope in a plane

An unusual Boeing 747 arrived in Christchurch at the weekend from California. It has a telescope on board. The plane will spend the next three weeks flying the skies of the South Island to study the Milky Way.

It is called SOFIA, Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy. It is a joint project between Nasa and the German space agency, DLR. For the next 20 years, SOFIA will visit Christchurch at this time of year, bringing 20 to 25 scientists with them.

The plane has a 2.5 metre diameter telescope, weighing 10 tonnes. A sliding door in the plane opens for the telescope to view the night sky. The plane will do 9 flights, each one 10 hours long.

Christchurch was chosen because of the clear night skies in the South Island where there are not many cities or bright lights. The University of Canterbury Physics and Astronomy department is located in Christchurch too and staff and students hope to work with scientists from SOFIA.


• stratosphere – the upper atmosphere to about 50km above the earth
• observatory – a building with a telescope for looking at the stars
• astronomy – scientific study of outer space
• joint project – working together (join = to act together)
• agency – a government organisation
• diameter – distance across a circle