John Key in Chile

Prime Minister, John Key, is in the middle of a 10-day visit to Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Brazil. One of the reasons for his trip is to increase trade between New Zealand and these countries. When Mr Key was in Colombia, he invited 150 farmers from Colombia to visit New Zealand in October. President Santos may accompany them.

Today John Key was in Chile where he visited a farm which is owned by Fonterra and he had talks with President Pinera about trade. They also talked about the earthquakes that affected both countries just one year apart.

They agreed to increase the number of students in the education programme called ‘Penguins Without Borders”. This programme pays for high school students to come to New Zealand for six months to give them a different cultural experience and to improve their English language. In January this year, 40 students arrived in New Zealand and are now attending high schools in Auckland. The Chilean Economy Minister announced that later this year, they will send 100 students to New Zealand for terms three and four.

John Key goes to Brazil tomorrow.


• accompany – go with them
• affected – influenced in a bad way
• programme – plan
• term – 10 weeks

Note: a 10-day visit, but the visit is for 10 days. When 10-day is used as an adjective in front of a noun, it is singular. Also a 6-year old child etc.