Pike River anniversary

It is one year since the explosion at the Pike River coal mine which killed 29 men. Greymouth held a memorial service today to remember the men. About 2000 people attended the service. The Governor-General, the Prime Minster, the Mayor of Greymouth and others gave speeches. The crowd stood in silence for one minute at 3.44pm which was the time of the explosion last year.

Two memorial stones were put in place today. They had the names of the 29 men written on them. One of the memorials is in the centre of Greymouth and the other is in a field facing the Paparoa mountains where the mine is located.

It is a very sad time for the families of the miners who were killed. One man did not live to see his daughter who was born six months after he died. The 14 year old daughter of another dead miner sang at the service. She was accompanied on the guitar by the mother of miner. The youngest miner started work down the mine on 19th November 2010, just a day after he turned 17.

The bodies of the miners are still in the mine because it has been too dangerous to go inside. The families are worried that the mine will be sold and the bodies will never be recovered.

to hold a (memorial) service / to attend a service / to give a speech / to stand in silence / did not live (long enough) to see / was born / was accompanied on the guitar / he turned 17 (= it was his birthday) / will never be recovered (= got out)

Note the relative clauses: which …; where…; who…