How to Get a Vaccination Certificate

In order to tell you how to get a vaccination certificate, I did it myself, and took notes as I did it. Here is how I got my certificate.

  1. I went to When I wanted to sign in, the website took me to so that I could create a My Health Account. To create a My Health Account, you can either use your email account, or use your RealMe login. RealMe is an online government ID system. I logged in using my email. Even though the website says to expect delays because of high volume, they sent me a verification code very quickly. It came from this email address: The verification code was 6 numbers. I copied the code into the My Health Account website.
  2. Next, I had to give some ID information. I chose my driver’s license, but it is also possible to use your passport, birth certificate or citizenship certificate. I was told to expect delays in case the website has trouble finding my details, but actually it worked instantly with no problems. The website surprised me by showing me what dates I was vaccinated!

If you do have problems, you may have to call the 0800 222 478 number, and for this you will need your NHI number. Your NHI number is your National Health Index number. It is your ID for medical services. If you don’t know your NHI number, you can find it on the label of any prescription medicine your doctor gave you. It’s in brackets after your name. Mine has three letters and 4 numbers. You can also ask at your doctor’s clinic. Even if you are not a resident you can still have an NHI number. If you don’t have one, your doctor can give you one.

Now I could request my vaccine pass. You can choose a pass for local travel, or a certificate for international travel, or both.

The website sent me an email with my vaccine pass. There was a PDF attachment that I could print out. It had the QR code on it. There is also a link in the email for the Google Play and Apple apps. I used the Google Play app by simply following the link in the email and it went very smoothly.

So, I now have a paper copy of my travel pass QR code, a PDF on my computer and in my email, and I have it on my phone! It really was easy and fast.

Over the next few months, this travel pass will be more and more important for being able to travel, and also for being able to go to restaurants or special events.


sign in: give a name and password so that you can get into a website

website: a page on the internet that has its own URL

create an account: make a name and password so that you can keep your own private information on a website

login: this is the noun for your name (username) and password

log in: this is the verb for entering your name and password. Entering means typing into a field, or box.

verification code: to verify means to check that something is true. When the website contacts you by phone or email, it sends some numbers. When you enter those numbers into the website, you verify that the email address or phone number is correct. Those numbers are called the verification code.

in case: a plan for if something happens; if

prescription medicine: medicine that the doctor has given you by writing a prescription. After reading the prescription, the pharmacy will give you the medicine. The medicine will have your name and instructions for taking it stuck onto the packet. Medicine that does not need a prescription is called “over the counter medicine”.

brackets: these things () (((((((())))))))))))

request: ask for something

attachment: a file that is sent by email. For example, it could be a document, a photo or a sound file.

app: a small computer programme that you can use on your phone

follow the link: some words or a graphic that you can click on to go to another website.

go smoothly: be easy, with no problems

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