Cell phones while driving

There is a new law coming in that bans the use of hand-held cell phones while driving. From November 1st, drivers caught using a hand-held cell phone will be fined $80 and will get 20 demerit points. Licences are lost at 100 demerit points. According to the New Zealand Transport Agency, 65% of New Zealanders own a cell phone, and 57% of those people use their cell phone while driving.

The ban has been introduced because the number of accidents caused by a cell phone is increasing, probably because more people own and use one. Technology is getting better and cheaper. Although there are other distractions such as eating or changing the radio station, using a cell-phone to call or text is considered more dangerous. There are very few countries in the world that allow the use of hand-held cell phones in cars.

It would be difficult to ban cell phones in cars altogether because people like tradespeople use their cell phones for business and they might miss out on work if they cannot be contacted. They will have to buy a hands-free cell phone to use in the car. Cell phones are also good for security reasons and for reporting crashes. The new law allows the use of hand-held cell phone for 111 emergencies only. Police are also exempt from the ban which means they can use hand-held phones also.

Contributed by Anita Jones