
Next Tuesday, March 6th is the date for our census.

What is the census? It is a count of every person in the country on the night of March 6 and also a count of every dwelling (house or other place) where people live in New Zealand. A census is held every 5 years. The last one was 2013.

Most countries hold a census. It helps the government and the local council know how many people live in a particular area, how many schools will be needed, how many parks, hospitals, roads, buses and so on. It also gives information about the houses which people live in.

This time, we do not fill in the form on paper. The forms are online. Every household has received an envelope with the address of that house on it. For example, it says: 2018 Census Information for 111 Main Street. (And it gives the city.) This gives the log in code for the people who live at that address. Someone in your household must complete the dwelling form.

If you live in a flat with 3 other people, one of you has to start and log in with the code. Someone has to complete the dwelling information. Then each of you need to fill in the information about yourself. If you have children, you will probably fill in their form also.

Anyone staying in a campground or motel, can get the code from manager or owner, and then fill in their own Information. Everyone living in New Zealand on March 6th must take part in the census. It is compulsory.

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