New Zealand’s response to Typhoon Haiyan

The typhoon that hit the Philippines last Friday is a terrible tragedy. It is also a nightmare for Filipinos who live in New Zealand because it is so difficult to get news.

New Zealand has about 45,000 Filipino people living here. Some of these people arrived here after the Canterbury earthquake to help rebuild houses, shops and offices. Christchurch construction companies are happy to employ skilled workers because we do not have enough New Zealanders who have the right skills. Wages are very low in the Philippines. It is quite common for skilled workers to find work overseas and send money back to their families.

After a terrible disaster like Typhoon Haiyan, communication is almost impossible. Phones don’t work so it’s impossible to contact families. Red Cross helpers and journalists cannot travel easily as airports and roads are badly damaged. It will take time before news reaches loved ones in New Zealand.

Filipinos in New Zealand have set up a bank account for donations. The Red Cross is also asking for donations. Prime Minister John Key announced that New Zealand will give more than $2 million. Mr Key may postpone his planned trip to the Philippines next week until a later date.


  • typhoon – hurricane
  • tragedy – a terrible event causing death
  • response – reply, reaction to the tragedy
  • nightmare – frightening dream, a terrifying situation

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