AirNZ criticised for fake meat

AirNZ has been criticised by Beef+Lamb New Zealand and by some MPs (Members of Parliament) for serving fake burgers on the flight from Los Angeles to Auckland. The burgers were made by an American company, Impossible Foods.

One MP said that AirNZ should be serving our beef and lamb to show that our country has first class meat. Our economy is based on our agriculture. We do not add hormones to the meat. Our cattle live in paddocks and are grass-fed.

However, AirNZ said that this burger gives vegetarians another option. The burgers look like beef and taste like beef.

It is true that many people are turning away from meat and towards vegetarian food for many reasons. Perhaps the main reason is concern for the environment. Animals contribute to dirty rivers. The methane from cattle is a greenhouse gas. Growing vegetables uses much less land than farming animals, especially cattle. Many people believe a vegetable diet is healthier than a meat diet. And animal lovers do not like the idea of killing animals for food.

Why do chefs have to produce vegetables that taste like meat? What’s wrong with serving vegetables that taste like vegetables?


• criticise (v)– give a negative opinion about something; criticism (n)
• fake (adj) – not real, not genuine
• hormones (n) – chemicals to help the animal grow
• paddocks (n) – fields
• option (n) – choice
• contribute (v) – add to
• methane (n) – CH4
• cattle (n) – cows and bulls, female and male