End of school year

First listen to November 12th 2012 to hear about NCEA.

NCEA exams started three weeks ago and most students finished last week but the last exam was Level 3 Spanish this afternoon. There were 120 different exams at the three levels. 143,000 students throughout the country sat exams. Results will be posted mid-January.

Most high schools held a prize-giving ceremony for their senior students in early November before exams began. Usually there is a speech by the principal or an invited guest. Students often perform musical items, and parents attend. Prizes are for sporting, cultural or academic success. Years 9 and 10 have their prize-giving this week or next week and this is the end of the school year for them.

High schools must be open for teaching for 190 days. Primary schools are open for 194 days.

Schools next year can start the year between January 28th and February 7th. If they start earlier, they can finish earlier. Waitangi Day is February 6th. This is a public holiday. Some schools prefer to start after Waitangi Day.


musical items – music by a choir, orchestra or band
cultural – drama, music, debate etc.