Christchurch Art Gallery re-opens

The Christchurch Art Gallery will reopen tomorrow. It has been closed for 5 years since the first earthquake in November 2010.

The Art Gallery in Christchurch opened in May 2003 to replace the old gallery which had become too small. It is an attractive modern building, with a glass front. Click here to see the Art gallery. It was built on a base isolator so it was safe during the earthquakes. After the February 2011 earthquake, the Art Gallery became the Civil Defence headquarters. This was the office for workers and police, checking the city buildings and keeping people out of the city.

However, after the building was not needed for Civil Defence any more, some damage was discovered. Now repairs are finished and the Art Gallery will open again. Celebrations are planned for this weekend. Tomorrow, Saturday, the gallery will stay open until 10pm with music to entertain. Both Saturday and Sunday, there are activities for children. They can make Christmas decorations and build with giant blocks. For adults there are tours, talks, films and more. Activities are free. The Art Gallery has always been free. Christchurch people are looking forward to having their Art Gallery open again.


• base isolator – the base moves only a little in an earthquake and then goes back again; Te Papa in Wellington is built on a base isolator
• Civil Defence – is responsible for helping people during an emergency like a flood or earthquake