Summer in the Southern Hemisphere

Today has been warm and sunny throughout the whole country. This is a reminder that in New Zealand we have to be careful to protect ourselves from the harmful UV rays from the sun. The earth is closer to the sun during the southern summer than during the northern summer. This is because the earth does not move in a circle around the sun. It moves in an ellipse.

Probably the hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic is another reason we are at risk from UV rays. Our country is also close to the Antarctic and therefore closer to the hole in the ozone layer. The earth’s atmosphere blocks UV rays to some extent; however, our clean air does not block enough UV.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer affecting New Zealanders. It is important to use a good sunscreen, or to wear a long-sleeve shirt or move into the shade. A hat protects the face. Sunglasses protect the eyes.


• Southern Hemisphere – half of the earth south of the equator
• UV rays – Ultra-Violet rays
• protect – keep from damage or harm
• harmful – can damage the skin and eyes
• ellipse – a flat circle like an oval
• at risk from – dangerous (this is a good phrase to learn)
• atmosphere – mixture of gases surrounding the earth; here it means the stratosphere
• blocks – stops
• to some extent – a little (this is a good phrase to learn)
• a good sunscreen –a cream you rub into your skin; 30+ is a good sunscreen
• shade – shelter from the sun e.g. by a tree


The earth is closer to the sun during the southern summer than during the northern summer. This is quite a difficult construction to use because it is quite long. It’s easier to say ‘X is closer than Y‘; however, it is also possible to say ‘X is closer + clause or phrase than Y‘.