United Nations Happiness Report

This report was based on World Gallup Polls of 156 countries. It is a long report and here are just a few of their findings.

The top 10 countries which are rated as the happiest are: Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden and Australia. These ratings were based on the following factors: income, healthy life expectancy, support from friends or family in times of trouble, freedom to make their own life choices, lack of corruption in government and business, generosity (giving to charity), laughter and enjoyment of life.

New Zealand rated fifth for happiness of immigrants out of 112 countries. Finland was again first, followed by Denmark, Norway and Iceland. Australia was sixth, then Canada.

Another result rated migrant acceptance. People were asked: Do you think each of these things is a good thing or a bad thing?
• foreign immigrants living in your country
• an immigrant becoming your neighbour
• an immigrant marrying one of your close relatives

Iceland rated number one as most-accepting. New Zealand rated second. It is interesting that New Zealand, Australia, and Canada have the highest percentage of immigrants at 20 to 30% of the total population. Western Europe and USA have 10 to 15%.